A Year of Initiative, Community, & Joy

Dear Partners:
One year ago we shared the news that we were relaunching as Georgia Health Initiative, with a renewed commitment to show up as an authentic, respectful, and curious partner to all who are equally committed to health and wellbeing for Georgians. Over the course of the year we’ve reflected on that commitment often, as well as key attributes – Initiative, Community, and Joy – we set as guideposts for our work moving forward. It seems fitting to look back, take stock, and hold ourselves accountable for how we are embodying these three attributes.
Initiative. In naming ourselves as the “Initiative,” we were and are fully leaning into our work with movement, energy, and drive. We remain committed to contributing to positive change in the current systems that leave too many of us behind. We are motivated not only by how things should be, but also how we know they could be and a desire to push forward. This ongoing sense of possibility keeps us going.
Community. One year in we are fully staffed with a team of 13 individuals, each of whom contributes expertise, passion, and personal commitment to our collective work. We recognize that we play a unique role within a broad ecosystem of equally committed individuals, curious and passionate about a better Georgia. Our plans are built on the collective wisdom and heart of our partners. We are grateful to all who have joined us for coffee, sandwiches, and post-it note and whiteboard brainstorming sessions as we wrestle with how we fit together as a cohesive whole. Our partners are a diverse group along lines of sectors, geographic reach, communities of focus, areas of strength, and strategies for change. Where there is alignment, however, is in our unified commitment to shoring up our collective work to improve health and wellbeing for all people in Georgia. We are committed to continuing to work alongside our community of committed changemakers, ideating alongside you and plugging in where we can add most value.
Joy. Last year, I mentioned that a state of joy does not mean we are naïve to the problems that we face. Sadly, the realities of the very real and heart-wrenching issues ring particularly true in this season of Georgia’s history. Communities across our state are coping with the devastating aftermath of Hurricane Helene. And our neighbors in Winder, Georgia are coping with the devastating aftermath of gun violence that shattered a sense of safety in their school and community.
But. For many of us in Georgia, our worldview is wide enough and our shared sense of humanity is deep enough that we can hold sorrow and joy at the same time. Because despite any and all obstacles, we move forward. More importantly, we move forward together.
In reflecting back on this past year, thank you to all for sharing in our work and sharing in our joy. We look forward to many more years of being your partners in possibility.
In partnership,
Kristy Klein Davis
