Initiative News, President's Update

Building a Pipeline of Optimists

Dear Friends,

It’s my pleasure to introduce you to our two newest additions to #TeamPossible—Stephany Nin-Feliz, who has joined as our Community Engagement Fellow, and Faith Olatile, who has joined as our Health Policy Fellow.

As our inaugural Fellows, Stephany and Faith will be fully integrated as part of our Team, contributing their experiences and insights to our work over the course of this two-year Fellowship. At the same time, they’ll be gaining professional experience, engaging with partners and communities across the state.

We as a Team are committed to ensuring that their next two years with us are valuable and that when they transition to the next step in their respective careers, they are well equipped to continue working toward cultivating communities where all belong and can participate, prosper, and reach their full potential for health.  

In adding to our Team, we have intentionally sought out individuals that have a bias toward optimism. This does not mean a disregard for or lack of awareness of challenges that exist. Instead, it means holding steadfast to the reality of hope in the midst of obstacles. It means trusting that there’s a path forward for greater health for all, even when the path at times seems unclear. It means understanding that while systems may seem beyond disrepair, they can be fixed and strengthened.  

I personally am so glad to welcome Stephany and Faith to our Team, and am just as excited for them to become connected to each of you as part of our larger community of solutions-seekers. Thank you in advance for welcoming them to our community and for supporting them in their roles as we all work together for a Georgia that works. For everyone. 

In partnership,

Kristy Klein Davis
