Initiative News, President's Update, Systems Change

New Guideposts for Our Work

georgia field
kristy davis CEO

Dear Partners and Friends,

As my first year with Healthcare Georgia Foundation comes to a close, I’m continually inspired by the people I’ve met who have welcomed me and the Foundation into their work. As we look to the future, I’m energized and hopeful about the impact we can have together.

Over the last several months, our Board and staff have taken a deep look at what Georgia needs and where those needs intersect with roles the Foundation can play. We asked ourselves and our partners whether our mission and values appropriately reflect the highest value we can bring to Georgians and what principles we should be using to guide our work.

The resulting conversations have challenged us, and led us into spaces where we know we can make a difference. Today, I am proud to share with you the vision, mission, and values that will guide the Foundation’s work into the future.

Our Vision: A Georgia in which all people have the opportunity to attain their fullest potential for health.

Our Mission: To inspire and promote collective action that advances health equity for all Georgians.

Our Values: Courageous Leadership, Trust, Equity, Partnership

We are firmly placing Georgians at the center of our work. Across our state, systems and structures are not giving Georgians the opportunities they deserve, with glaring disparities racially and geographically. There are people and organizations working tirelessly to change those systems, and our work will focus on partnering, amplifying, and strengthening collaborative efforts that advance bold ideas to give all Georgians the opportunity to reach their fullest potential for health. Our vision, mission, and values are the guideposts for our work moving forward, which will continue to evolve.

I know that these statements will bring up questions for many of you who wonder how this impacts our partnerships. To change systems we must think creatively, take the long view, listen to our communities, and harness the collective power of multiple sectors and communities. Maintaining the status quo will not bring about the changes Georgians deserve. The Foundation can and will use grantmaking, advocacy, convening, elevating voices, and telling stories to advance positive change. We are in the process of developing new programmatic areas that will draw upon all of our change tools. As those programs launch we will share partnership opportunities with those whose work aligns with ours. Instead of timed grant cycles, we will use a mix of open calls and invitation-only processes, aligned with the goals of specific programs. At the highest level you can expect that all future programming will focus on opportunities that inspire and promote collective action that changes systems and advances health equity for Georgians.

I invite you to stay up-to-date on our programming and opportunities by signing up for our email list here. Know that we are committed to straightforward and transparent communication as we move through this moment of transition. We will continue to share more about our vision and strategy, and we welcome conversations that allow the best ideas and approaches to emerge.

Our mission is strong and our vision is clear. We are ready to build bridges, forge new paths, lead conversations, and convene and empower organizations and communities. We look forward to joining forces with other solution seekers—nonprofit organizations, healthcare providers, the philanthropic sector, policymakers, and the business community—to co-create a Georgia where each person can achieve their fullest potential for health. Please join us!


Kristy Klein Davis